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Google ADS

What is Google AdWords?

Are you aware of some buzzwords like PPC (pay per click), paid marketing, Google AdWords, CPC, bids? If not, no worries, I will let you know. Google AdWords is a paid marketing service provided by Google. Ecommerce businesses use this platform to advertise their product and services on Google search result pages, gmails, YouTube and other websites participated in Google AdWords program.

When people see Ads (impressions) and click to land to a particular product or service page, advertisers pay for each clicks (cost per click) for getting visits on their webpage in such way. The whole AdWords seem to work like an auction where advertisers compete for the top positions of their Ads.

Why Google AdWords?

  • Promote your business outside of Google search like other Google products, partner websites and display networks as well.
  • Tweak advertisements anytime to reach specific group of people or promote a product or service.
  • Immediately after creating an advertising campaign, you start getting targeted traffic in minimum time span.
  • Target multiple keywords at a time.
  • You can position your Ads in top faster using certain conditions.
  • No minimum spending limit for Ads, choose and edit your budget anytime you want.
  • You can edit keywords, Ads, Ad Groups, budget anytime and view the changes within minutes.
  • Easy to calculate Returns on Investments and can change your budget accordingly.

Why Choose Help Together for Google AdWords Services:

If you are using Google AdWords to make your online business visible? Have you wasted a lot of money and still haven’t get desired results? Don’t just do it again and hands it on certified Google AdWords professional to get rid of money wastage, make you each penny spend worth and drive qualitative and potential traffic to your website.

Rather than focusing on more spend, we focus on bringing valuable traffic from the spending which drive you real results in no time. From the billions of searches conducted on Google every day, we assure your products reach to potential customers with our efforts and service. Managing AdWords in a better way needs a lot of experience and expertise, not every business has enough expertise and time for. Till date, we have worked with many companies, from new businesses to large enterprises and driven proven results with 100% success ratio. There is no reason to waste money and time when you can utilize expertise of Help Together Group to do it for you!

Our Google AdWords Services include:

  • Keyword research and selection
  • Competitive research
  • Text and image Ads creation
  • Ideas to optimize landing pages
  • PPC cost management
  • PPC Monitoring
  • Ad campaign modification and improvements
  • Conversion tracking
  • Monthly report